Shirley Johnson:
Autum leaves
Shirley Johnson:
Ray and Cynthia's Bouquet
Shirley Johnson:
Pheasant feathers and Flowers
Shirley Johnson:
Tarent Gunville
Shirley Johnson:
My Young Lady, Pollie
Shirley Johnson:
Phalaenopsis Orchid
Shirley Johnson:
A Deer in hiding!
Shirley Johnson:
A Bee's eyeview of a Clematis
Shirley Johnson:
Evening Clematis
Shirley Johnson:
Scanned Rose
Shirley Johnson:
Macro of Wisteria
Shirley Johnson:
A flight of fantasy!
Shirley Johnson:
Feathers and Shells from Mauritius
Shirley Johnson:
Shirley Johnson:
Magnolia/Wild Cherry Blossom
Shirley Johnson:
Queen's tears
Shirley Johnson:
Lobster Pots at the ready!
Shirley Johnson:
A Breath of Spring!
Shirley Johnson:
Floating Snowdrop heads!
Shirley Johnson:
An Abstract!
Shirley Johnson:
Stop it! I like it.
Shirley Johnson:
Magpie looking for food!
Shirley Johnson:
Seaborough Hill's sunset. Dorset
Shirley Johnson:
A Winter sunset Dorset
Shirley Johnson:
Snowdrops during the thaw
Shirley Johnson:
Me. my shadow and Sam's Oak!
Shirley Johnson:
Looking across Kingswood Park
Shirley Johnson:
Frozen in time
Shirley Johnson:
The berries that missed the Christmas Pudding!
Shirley Johnson:
Thereby Hangs a Tale!