Ted Andes: Sicarius
J6Crash: Spirit of the Falls
The Whimsical Brick: Сибирский Патриарх и Матрешка - SIBERIAN PATRIARCH & MATRYOSHKA
Panuvara: Hall of the Mountain King
Krustacean Makes: Shiver Me Tim-burrrs
Radrix.MOCs: Durin's Bane
MalaChi Tea: Desert Delusions
bionic_supreme: Nyctophobia
BZP-Darknut: A Day on the Wash
Sam Gengo: Reforestation
MocsbyAJ: swamp druid
Rowia: Crystal Crab
RiverOfarrows: Horizon Lancer
Margits_MOCs: Quetzalcoatl
TheLegoRoleplayer/ajtazt: Abandoned Arctic Rescue Base
Fuzz-E: Fan Tian's Pilgrims
Miscellanabuilds: Where the Crawdad's King
StudentScissors: Curious Caving Critters
SquaredMich: Encounter in Norway, Circa 1019 AD
anderson_builder: Saguaro Sand Surfer and his Sailing Stone
micr_omega: Swans of Heartlake City
EctoMOCs: Beast-God of the Mammoth Steppe
BrickPharaoh: Don Quixote, El Caballero Andante
Nuhvok_mok: "There's always a bigger duck"
FlipFlower293: City Drifter
Just Torp: Secretary Bird
_Monopoly_: Aquashark Infiltrator
eClair Builds: THE COG
Chilly_Bin: Progressive City