Northwoods Apparition: Planter Creek, Gogebic County, MI
skida: Wylam Brewery at Exhibition Park
Alexander Tkachev: flowers in glass vase (2003)
Pixelda: Paneless - Mamiya 6 Automat - HP5+ 510Pyro 1+100
Pixelda: Two More Trees - Mamiya 6 Automat - HP5+ 510Pyro 1+100
CamShaw74: 1934 Austin 7 AEB Nippy
ajmillerphoto: Carousel Salt print
Mark Waddington (Ilkley): Ilkley Town Hall
fishyfish_arcade: Gatehouse
MickH5: Jenny Brown has the blues
ludwig.roemer: At the edge of the Wahiba
lowooley.: down the drain
lowooley.: yellow lines
rrunnertexas: Kodak Bulls Eye no 2 Train Cars
rrunnertexas: 1070163219C5by7
andreios: Capitulum
andreios: Two letters
andreios: Stairs of memories
andreios: Flooded ruin
bestonblack: Old track
bestonblack: Stowaways
bestonblack: Cyclamen
bestonblack: Lockdown arrangements
bestonblack: Festive Bridge
4Rider: Orneta 7-23 [ort] (1)
D_M_J: 1068_Farleton_Knott_DELTA100_02