The Flying Scotsman's footplate
Liz Callan:
Kempton Steam Museum Sudbury 170618
Kempton Steam Museum
Mr Mikage (ミスター御影):
Kempton Waterworks, London ケンプトン水道局、ロンドン
Sir Nigel Gresley
Paul Kearley:
D16 BR 62567 at Cambridge c1950
Paul Kearley:
B17 'Doncaster Rovers' BR 61657 at Trumpington Cambridge 03-08-1953
Paul Kearley:
J15 BR 65477 and J15 BR 65461 at Cambridge MPD c1959
Paul Kearley:
B12 BR 61577 at Cambridge MPD 02-06-1959
Historyworks Photography:
Cambridge Museum of Technology
Maia C:
Gothic Steam Engine
Stationary Steam Engine, about 1855
Nick Barlow Photography:
The Instrument Panel
Zack's Motor Photos:
1968/70 S.H.A.D.O. Jeep - UFO
McTumshie (Andrew Smith):
Venturi Water Meter