Kōkei: Kimchi stand - Seoul, South Korea
Kōkei: This is a bridge, it is a very organised Japanese bridge.
Kōkei: Jimi knows
Kōkei: 'Kick push kick push'
Kōkei: Deep Purple looking sea right here
Kōkei: Black Lives Matter Mural
Kōkei: 35mm film shot (cropped) Kite surfing in Oahu, Hawaii
Kōkei: 'Take me to the place I love, take me all the way'
Kōkei: The serene water, becomes a torrent and then, is yet calm again.
Kōkei: Cherry Blossoms and people, springtime in Kyoto
Kōkei: I could've been out all night in this light
Kōkei: Midnight moon reveals
Kōkei: The fisherman's steady vessel rests at midnight
Kōkei: Broken Britain
Kōkei: The wheel goes round the sand turns to sea and the people just want to be happy.
Kōkei: The sea notices me not, she rages and calms, gallops and flies, yet I return with open arms
Kōkei: Cuts through time
Kōkei: Pull me in, reach out to me
Kōkei: Your constructs will crumble
Kōkei: Cherry Blossoms and Temples a tourist trap for a reason.
Kōkei: Father and child - Zanzibar
Kōkei: Street Kings on their mighty steeds
Kōkei: The edge (not from U2)
Kōkei: Kite Vs Blackbird
Kōkei: Kiyomizudera Temple - Kyoto
Kōkei: 'Selling sunsets for somebody else'
Kōkei: Been having a break from Flickr while on holiday but had to share this shot from the other night.
Kōkei: Another of the lifeboat station after the lifeboat had gone to bed.
Kōkei: Expand your limits
Kōkei: On safari in Ruaha National Park, Tanzania