Lego MOCs from out of this world: 2152 Robo Raptor (1997)
Lego MOCs from out of this world: 2151 Robo Raider (1997)
Lego MOCs from out of this world: 6982 Exploriens Starship (1996)
Lego MOCs from out of this world: 6958 Android Base (1996)
Lego MOCs from out of this world: 6958 Android Base (1996)
Lego MOCs from out of this world: 1858 Droid Scout (1996)
Lego MOCs from out of this world: 1737 Scorpion Detector (1996)
Lego MOCs from out of this world: 6899 Nebula Outpost (1996)
Lego MOCs from out of this world: 6856 Planetary Decoder (1996)
Lego MOCs from out of this world: 6854 Alien Fossilizer (1996)
Lego MOCs from out of this world: 6815 Hovertron (1996)
Lego MOCs from out of this world: 1954 Surveillance Scooter (1995)
Lego MOCs from out of this world: 6959 Lunar Launch Site (1994)
Lego MOCs from out of this world: 6939 Saucer Centurion 2
Lego MOCs from out of this world: 6939 Saucer Centurion 1 (1994)
Lego MOCs from out of this world: 6889 Recon Robot (1994)
Lego MOCs from out of this world: 6836 Saucer Scout (1994)
Lego MOCs from out of this world: 1793 Space Station Zenon (1995)
Lego MOCs from out of this world: 1789 Star Hawk II (1995)