presbi: Astonishing Dolomites: Pale di San Martino (3184 m.a.s.l.)
AnneMarly: Magnífico!
presbi: Astonishing Dolomites: Brenta Group (3170 m.a.s.l.)
werner_austria: 04-24 1837_Cefalu
DrLensCap: 2017 Black-tailed Prairie Dog 66
alcarria XXI: Claustro
Zygmunt Borowski: Wschowa - old city walls
portalealba: Flor de Pita y Corumbela
alainmichot93 (Bonjour à tous - Hello everyone): 2017.06.13.041 SAINT ANNE D'AURAY - La fontaine miraculeuse (1900)
elenaaxelrose: Merbes-le-Château
Knut-Arve Simonsen: Vaterland 2.9, Fredrikstad, Norway
Eugenio GV Costa: Forse era...La sposa / Maybe it was ... The bride - === foto © Eugenio Costa - Tutti i diritti riservati ===
JimP (in Sarnia): India - Old Temple At Qutub In Delhi
Eugenio GV Costa: Non c’è silenzio più bello. - There is no more beautiful silence.
dimounet: La chaine du Mont Blanc
Wales and beyond: African daisies
dominiquesainthilaire: The citadel of Saladin
hbp_pix: Out For An Evening Row
danvartanian: 039-bergen
gioviPa: admiring..
ant_moc: Morning mist in Manchester.
m.lebel: Musée des Augustins de Toulouse - Le Cloître et le jardin (7)
j.vanovervelt: Close portrait