Guillermo Castaño:
Guillermo Castaño:
Guillermo Castaño:
Bogotá - 7th Av
Patrice Morelle:
Panorama Londres
Patrice Morelle:
Marche Adeps à Ramelot
Patrice Morelle:
I am a killer
Yasu Torigoe:
View of Church of the Holy Spirit in Warsaw, Poland from a distance on Freta St. in New Town.. 921-2a
Yasu Torigoe:
Statues and walls of the Palace of Culture and Science in Warsaw, Poland. 955-Edit-Edita
Yasu Torigoe:
Multiphoto panoramic view of sunrise behind the mountain on Kågen island, Norway while sailing between Arnøya and Kågen Islands-9-2
javi duro photography:
Holy Week in Zamora 2018 04 - Semana Santa en Zamora 2018 04
rens copal:
Fuut, Podiceps cristatus, Haubentaucher, Great Crested Grebe, Grebe huppe,
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Martin pêcheur d'Amérique
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Grand duc d'Amérique/ Great horned owl
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Pygargue à tête blanche/ Bald eagle
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Sittelle à poitrine rousse/ Red-breasted nuthatch
Dragon Fruit Flower.
My beauitiful Victor is my constant and only companion at this time we are in isolation together as I am a senior citizen and have to stay at home and away from other people.