howardnramona: July 4th
Scotty7949e: Common Redpoll
Scotty7949e: Palm Warbler
Oleksandra Photography: My beautiful curiosity :)
Ronnie Gaye: Perfect all over
hatpatprot: DSCF2252
Scotty7949e: Verdin
Scotty7949e: Verdin In A Pomegranate Bush
philippe.vitel29: Montagne st Michel de Braspart au 1er jour de l'hiver.
stephenwalshphoto: Hooded Merganser (female)
-JRL- Photo's: What Kind of Wren
mikkelholck: Siberian Rubythroat
LakritzPhotography: Red-shouldered Hawk
adirondack_native: Hooded Merganser getting ready to swallow a fish.
barbmerrill2: Golden-crowned Kinglet
fhopson322265: Waxing Gibbous Illumination: 90%
frank3000de: Fliege trinkt Wasser
Zinovi1: P1001875f
axel0901: Butterfly
Scotty7949e: Barred Owl
Francois Primeau: Buse à épaulettes / Red-shouldered Hawk
Scotty7949e: Red Fox.. Late Evening Shot, Slow Shutter Speed
JJFET: Undercover
KatiesArea51: Sleeping Cat - Mia