Vills...: Bob Marley?? Not really
Vills...: Green Carpet
Vills...: Walk
Vills...: Reflection
Vills...: I am not talking to u...
Vills...: Light or Shade
Vills...: On Guard
Vills...: More Jive...
Vills...: Eyes!!!
Vills...: Hate!!!
HAWKNFLT: Male Red-winged Blackbird.
HAWKNFLT: Killdeer.
HAWKNFLT: Tree Swallow.
HAWKNFLT: American Goldfinch.
HAWKNFLT: Black-billed Cuckoo.
HAWKNFLT: Tree Swallow.
HAWKNFLT: Spotted Sandpiper.
HAWKNFLT: The Chase.
HAWKNFLT: Male Widow Skimmer Dragonfly.
HAWKNFLT: My baby. G.G.
HAWKNFLT: Indigo Bunting.
HAWKNFLT: Cedar Waxwing.
HAWKNFLT: Cedar Waxwing.
HAWKNFLT: Cedar Waxwing.
HAWKNFLT: Red-tailed Hawk.
HAWKNFLT: Dinner on the tip of her tongue. Cedar Waxwing.
HAWKNFLT: Eating on the fly.
HAWKNFLT: Cedar Waxwing.
HAWKNFLT: Black-crowned Night Heron.