drpimento: Dad and Jeff 314 No 4th Onalaska Wisconsin back step taken by Paul Lysaker101 (2)
drpimento: img086 Mariu Albanese& Sunita Singh
drpimento: img041 Heidi Fassler, Bruce Wavra, Resa Silha, Gus Otto, Olga Pacheco, Barb Kooiman, & unknown
drpimento: img039 Larry & Tippy
drpimento: panorama tap lineup Monday night 9 Mar 15
drpimento: 2014-06-27 11.30.41
drpimento: img076 Festival of San Sebastian St, in Old San Juan
drpimento: img075 Reyin, Zero, me at beer stand Old San Juan
drpimento: img074 Jose, me, Ernie,Tibes Archae, site, Ponce
drpimento: img068 Yindy, Olguita, me, Reyo at Primavera 151, Condado
drpimento: img067 Condado '84
drpimento: img064 Larry & me in false color infra red Dec 75
drpimento: img062 Front Larry Mitley, Middle L - R Kim Hotson, me, Diane Borreson, Back LeRoy Harding & unknown
drpimento: img054 Laura & Barb Kooiman
drpimento: img050 Larry Mitley & Waldo in the backyard of 313 Caledonia St
drpimento: img049 Yoly at folk's house
drpimento: img046 On the stern is a Sea King Helo, forward on starboard is Vigilante RA-5C Recon, Viking S-3 Antisubmarine ASW
drpimento: img044 Tim Beeler, Larry Mitley, me; maybe at Larry's house; age 21 or 22
drpimento: img040 oot greet
drpimento: img034 Beth Hendricks, Ceci Bustamonte, Olga Pacheco, Dan Mitley
drpimento: img031 USS CHICAGO CG 11, The World's Most Powerful Guided Missile Cruiser
drpimento: img029 L - R Marty Martinez, me, Ron Reeves
drpimento: img027 Me & Vigilante on flight deck USS KITTY HAWK CV 63
drpimento: img024Minesweepers '76 or '77
drpimento: img021 SN Murphy, X Div, USS KITTY HAWK CV 63, Dec '73
drpimento: img020Flight deck at sea, USS Kitty Hawk CV 63 WESTPAC Cruise Dec '73
drpimento: img019 Larry Mitley, 313 Caledonia St
drpimento: img018 Me in 3=M Office
drpimento: img012 Mitleyberg & Hotstein
drpimento: Ralph Rick article