>Sandy<: Another from last weekend.
>Sandy<: The waves were rock'n and roll'n!
>Sandy<: Tick tock....tick tock...
>Sandy<: A soothing smile
>Sandy<: Front to Back
>Sandy<: Going abstract
>Sandy<: And so it continues....
>Sandy<: Shards of frost
>Sandy<: My cup runneth over with hoar frost!
>Sandy<: Icing on the cake.
>Sandy<: Soon to be new again.
>Sandy<: It was a hoar-able day today!
>Sandy<: A winters day.
>Sandy<: Winter shadows
>Sandy<: Got'm!
>Sandy<: Standing watch
>Sandy<: A stare down.......
>Sandy<: Seasons Greetings
>Sandy<: December gloom
>Sandy<: An old friend
>Sandy<: A touch of frost.
>Sandy<: And continuing with the ice theme.