carheep: Ken Pete and Crawfish 1981
carheep: Ken Esther Rachel 1981
carheep: Mike and Esther
carheep: Deer
carheep: Island leverage
carheep: Freeing the barrel
carheep: Island beach Peyote
carheep: Pana-bode
carheep: Ken and Puffball
carheep: Island wreck
carheep: In the cabin
carheep: sunset
carheep: Esther and Dot Oct '75
carheep: Island road
carheep: sawmill
carheep: More crawfishin
carheep: Ken and Esther on the beach
carheep: Ken Esther and Eva
carheep: Wet Kenny on the ferry
carheep: Straits
carheep: Island shoulder shot
carheep: Crawfishin'
carheep: Char-leanne 2
carheep: Jean at Westerly
carheep: Charlie at Westerly
carheep: Mike and Tomato
carheep: Bear's head
carheep: Sand bay
carheep: On the ferry
carheep: Mike and Ken dragging