Light therapy: Eva on the banks of the Gulf of Finland
florence.richerataux: PRIMOTAR-135MM F/3.5
florence.richerataux: Riz au lait !
florence.richerataux: HELIOS 44-2- 58mm f/2
really_late_bloomer: Measuring cups
周十三: Tokyo Tower
florence.richerataux: Un petit Lutin des bois !
florence.richerataux: PRIMOTAR-135MM F/.35
fred0823: GFX-50S + 110/2 Acros
fred0823: GFX-50S + Minolta 58/1.2
Jonas.Nilsson: Daisy 4.5x6
**mog**: Lucky and Happy
**mog**: もっともっと
graflex45: bokeh
saksak: Tommy Oshima at Oku no Hosomichi
Maciek Lesniak: Agnieszka
apasz: filip and ninel