LauraSorrells: cross and crescent
LauraSorrells: candleflare
LauraSorrells: totemic
LauraSorrells: more light
LauraSorrells: totemic
LauraSorrells: hidden remembrance off Highway 515
LauraSorrells: mussel shell with feather, bracelet, and daffodil stems in rain
LauraSorrells: altarfade
LauraSorrells: altar sunflower after rain
LauraSorrells: cleansing
LauraSorrells: all manner of thing
LauraSorrells: a gentle space
LauraSorrells: another of the st. francis prayer
LauraSorrells: bird book with feather and peace charm
LauraSorrells: candlelit
LauraSorrells: little poor man
LauraSorrells: Gordy morning
LauraSorrells: delicate little things that need dusting
LauraSorrells: greenlight
LauraSorrells: bookmark with turtle ring, cross, quartz, and little books
LauraSorrells: haiku cube with other little things