LauraSorrells: traincar rust detail
LauraSorrells: empty shack near Jacks Creek
LauraSorrells: Callender tower
LauraSorrells: Southern Gothic
LauraSorrells: flaking
LauraSorrells: windowjumble
LauraSorrells: at the edge of the tracks
LauraSorrells: shack no longer standing
LauraSorrells: on the Lyon farm
LauraSorrells: paletrain
LauraSorrells: little fern with rusty traincar metal
LauraSorrells: determined stranger
LauraSorrells: Bryson City signface
LauraSorrells: shackcorner
LauraSorrells: Sautee collapse
LauraSorrells: Chess Day exploration
LauraSorrells: in an abandoned house in Ohio
LauraSorrells: empty warmth in winter
LauraSorrells: 108shack
LauraSorrells: millyard
LauraSorrells: looking up
LauraSorrells: rust and green
LauraSorrells: the old McGaughey place
LauraSorrells: bucolic emptiness
LauraSorrells: on the outskirts