abba550: image
abba550: photo(3)
abba550: Allspice Tapestry Quilt
abba550: Allspice Tapestry Quilt
abba550: Close up of sawtooth.
abba550: Finally finished.
abba550: Just polka dots
abba550: Polka dots yet to be bound.
abba550: Mike's t-shirt quilt.
abba550: Wild animals baby quilt.
abba550: Wild animals baby quilt.
abba550: Baby quilt.
abba550: Soft and pretty
abba550: Soft and pretty
abba550: Soft and pretty
abba550: Soft and pretty
abba550: P1010115
abba550: P1010113
abba550: P1010112
abba550: P1010110
abba550: P1010108
abba550: P1010106
abba550: P1010104
abba550: P1010103
abba550: P1010102
abba550: P1010277
abba550: P1010245
abba550: P1010247
abba550: P1010026