bobmulero: Type 1BC Lamppost Curved Crook at East 48th St.
bobmulero: Type 24A Lamppost, Kent Pl.
bobmulero: Type 24 Lamppost Curved Crook
bobmulero: Special Iron Ornamental Street Sign Lamppost Greenway Terrace
bobmulero: Special Iron Ornamental Double Lantern Lamppost
bobmulero: Special Iron Ornamental Single Lantern Lamppost
bobmulero: Madison Ave. Bridge Bracket Lamppost
bobmulero: Type F Twin Lamppost Sutton Square
bobmulero: Type 24A Lamppost Greene St. between Broome St. and Spring St.
bobmulero: Type 6BC Lamppost Hudson St. and Hubert St.
bobmulero: Type 1BC Twin Lamppost Broadway and E. 23rd St.
bobmulero: Type 24K with 24A Curved Crook Lamppost Washington St. and Warren St.
bobmulero: Type 24A Curved Crook Lamppost at City Hall Park
bobmulero: Right Angle Joint wall bracket Lamppost with 2800 Luminaire
bobmulero: Type 24A Modified Lamppost Broaway between Prince St. and E. Houston St.
bobmulero: Type G Lamppost at Van Cortlandt Park near Broadway
bobmulero: Gas Post Base E. 33rd St. and Park Ave.
bobmulero: Type 24A Modified Lamppost at Broadway between Spring St and Broome St.
bobmulero: Type 24 Twin Variation 4 Concurse Type Lamppost
bobmulero: New York Edison Company Type 30 Special Lamppost
bobmulero: Type 24 Twin lamppost
bobmulero: Type 24A Modified Lamppost with fire alarm box attached Whitehall St and Pearl St
bobmulero: New red, yellow and green light with Don't Walk light on old post
bobmulero: Type 1 BC 24 Twin Lamppost
bobmulero: Special Post Honeywell Street Lamppost
bobmulero: Type 6BC Lamppost
bobmulero: Type 6 Modified lamppost part 2, Amsterdam Ave. and Hamilton Pl., Manhattan
bobmulero: Type 6 Modified lamppost Part 1, Amsterdam Ave. and Hamilton Pl., Manhattan
bobmulero: Type 24A Lamppost Modified Vesey Street
bobmulero: Type K with Type 24A Curved Crook Lamppost Washington St.and Spring St.