MMR15D: Going Different Directions
MMR15D: Drawn by the Light
MMR15D: The Spire
MMR15D: The Bottle of “Second National Drink”
MMR15D: From the Hotel Room Above Glasgow Central Railway Station
MMR15D: Al Fresco Dinner
MMR15D: Into The Summer Night
MMR15D: St Vincent Street, Glasgow
MMR15D: Selfie with Summaron
MMR15D: Wet Look Selfie
MMR15D: Hope Street
MMR15D: Social Interactions
MMR15D: St Vincent Street, Glasgow
MMR15D: Under the Umbrella
MMR15D: Bus Stop on St Vincent's Street
MMR15D: 100 Queen Street
MMR15D: Bycicles on Hope Street
MMR15D: The Fireman
MMR15D: Greetings from Mars
MMR15D: As the World Goes By
MMR15D: I am faster than you
MMR15D: Checking the Phone
MMR15D: In the Rain
MMR15D: Planning the Shot
MMR15D: The Pianist at Glasgow Central
MMR15D: Playing in the Pub
MMR15D: Up & Down Hope Street
MMR15D: In & Around Glasgow
MMR15D: Delivery guy having a smoke brake
MMR15D: Smart Phone Appreciation Society