MMR15D: Contact Spamming Sucks
MMR15D: The Orange Gang
MMR15D: M246 & APO Macro Elmarit R 100mm
MMR15D: Glance Into the Soul of the Red Dot
MMR15D: APO Lenses
MMR15D: Z7 with 70-200mm native lens
MMR15D: Pairing Z7 with R Lens
MMR15D: Z7 with Summilux M 21mm
MMR15D: Dilemma - keep M246, sell SL and buy Z7?
MMR15D: Red Rings
MMR15D: APO Barrels
MMR15D: SL with APO TC and APO R 180mm lens stacked
MMR15D: SL with APO TC and APO R 280MM lens stacked
MMR15D: Magic Circles
MMR15D: Leica Trio (Quintet Actually)
MMR15D: Macro Setup
MMR15D: Summaron & Summilux 35mm
MMR15D: M’s
MMR15D: Old Pentax K Gear
MMR15D: Old Pentax K Gear
MMR15D: Old Pentax K Gear
MMR15D: Old Pentax K Gear
MMR15D: Manual Focus Brigade
MMR15D: M246 with Selection of Filters
MMR15D: Contrast Filters & M246
MMR15D: R8 & 35mm f.1.4
MMR15D: Nikon Porn
MMR15D: Lens Line up - shot with Leica Bellows with 100f4 Bellows Lens
MMR15D: Nikon Porn