♥16♥Years♥Old♥Vergin ♥: hi =] , the new el_misda7 :P
♥16♥Years♥Old♥Vergin ♥: bak mn el bdyr =Pp it was fun
♥16♥Years♥Old♥Vergin ♥: heheheh shrykom fel kish'h :P
♥16♥Years♥Old♥Vergin ♥: after jitsking .... iT was fun =)
♥16♥Years♥Old♥Vergin ♥: واذا اشتد الغرام اترك خفوقي بين نار ونار بالفرقا ان تكسر اضلوعي ولا عشق يوطيني
♥16♥Years♥Old♥Vergin ♥: kings of the streets ^_*
♥16♥Years♥Old♥Vergin ♥: G55 AMG// .... ^.^ shrykom ?
♥16♥Years♥Old♥Vergin ♥: mashala fe rb3 s3a bt'3la 3lehom hehehe wela ared :P?
♥16♥Years♥Old♥Vergin ♥: mal9gr 3nd el 3rb 7shm'h w mgdar enma kan ydme 9door el 7bara ^.-