BN Singh: Red-shouldered Hawk
Rob Melone: Hooded Merganser
KK Hui Photography 010724: Little Egret (Egretta garzetta) 小白鷺 - 261124_R7C6802x
KK Hui Photography 010724: Grey Heron (Ardea cinera) 蒼鷺 - 261124_R7C6805x
KK Hui Photography 010724: Kam Tin River - IMG_261124_123947x
Jambo53 (): Another fisherman in action....
Gilles Archambault: Chestnut-sided Warbler - Paruline à flancs marons
Eric Gofreed: American avocet-09716-Edit
jingbar: Brown shrike
jingbar: Brown Shrike
rmikulec: Bufflehead showing off his colours
Steve_Waddingham: Mute Swans
Axel Hildebrandt: Green-winged Teal
KK Hui Photography 010724: 101124_Z5N4235n
Stephen B53: Sparrowhawk pato-barcino_NGR4466 garcita-azulada_NGR8125
Earl Reinink: It's that time again...
Eric Gofreed: Mad Dash to Flight
Eric Gofreed: Gadwall drake
Axel Hildebrandt: Hooded Merganser
Gilles Archambault: Snow Goose - Oie des neiges
MindfulnessArt: Mon Épervier de Cooper d'automne / My autumn Cooper's Hawk
KK Hui Photography 010724: SmallRig Video Head CH20 - IMG_20241029_130346x
Jim Buescher Photography: Redheads...mostly