It's Annie: Stay in your own lane 'cause I'm 'bout to swerve
It's Annie: Yeah, I guess that's just the way my head works
It's Annie: I want every bit of you, I guess I'm selfish
It's Annie: 'Cause something is better than nothing at all
It's Annie: But do you got room for one more troubled soul
It's Annie: Uh, if I was down, who would grab me?
It's Annie: And that's a feeling I wanna get used to
It's Annie: You probably think this song is about you
It's Annie: There are moments when I know it ends
It's Annie: I wish there was room for us in the space between Heaven and Hell
It's Annie: I know you've been prayin' for my soul
It's Annie: And you get the uncut version of life
It's Annie: You don't know what you got until it's gone
It's Annie: Always risin' from the ashes
It's Annie: AnnieSize ~Swanje (AKeruka Sofia x Legacy Perky)
It's Annie: Untitled
It's Annie: AnnieSize ~ Bella (LeLu Briannon x Legacy)
It's Annie: This is the road to ruin and we're starting at the end
It's Annie: May I lube you?
It's Annie: AnnieSize ~ Nora (LeLu Noel x eBody+ Waifus)
It's Annie: 'Til I've got what's mine
It's Annie: IIt's Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas
It's Annie: AnnieSize ~ Amelia (LeLu Avalon x eBody+ Waifus)
It's Annie: AnnieSize ~ Corinne (LeLu Ceylon x eBody Reborn)
It's Annie: I know a Gemini can be confusing
It's Annie: Well...
It's Annie: I know you go home to another one
It's Annie: AnnieSize ~ Vinnie (LeLu Vivian x eBody)
It's Annie: I found peace in your violence
It's Annie: AnnieSize ~ Una (LeLu Ubon x eBody Reborn)