Fessenden: Tiki night. :-)
Fessenden: I love it when stuffed animals have bonding time.
Fessenden: The flapjack plant is blooming big!
Fessenden: It's crazy how much I enjoy watching these little birds live their life.
Fessenden: The earth is mine now
Fessenden: Three trips across the country has aged this poor box. It went from Chicago to Los Angeles, then inexplicably to Pennsylvania and Kansas before it finally arrived back in California. But, well bubble wrapped, its contents were undamaged. A job well done,
Fessenden: So happy this film is out. Seek it out! You'll see just how much fun a happy addiction can be! #aliveandkickingmovie
Fessenden: My favorite tree, and a parade of roses. A lovely morning!
Fessenden: It's Crane fly season. This one thought my car was a hip place to hang.
Fessenden: Crown City Bombers, and Darrin, killing it tonight!
Fessenden: My plan was to take these trophies, that I earned as a swimmer (and baseball/football), out of the box, which they've been in for a couple decades, photograph them, and then say goodbye. They ended us back in the box. Physical personal history is hard for
Fessenden: I dislike these bugs, these earwigs. But this was a big one one, and the wrong side of the screen door. It needed to be documented, and then expelled.
Fessenden: This beautiful creature appeared this morning. Always fun when birds of bright colors visit.
Fessenden: We're getting a little morning treat these days when this little fella comes to the garden for breakfast and then hangs out on this leaf.
Fessenden: Who you callin' yellow?!?
Fessenden: LA Shag doin a little dancin
Fessenden: I don't know what these are or what's going on here, but it looks to have been one hell of a battle.
Fessenden: The fairy land is in full bloom.
Fessenden: She's coming in to say Hello. ...with a very human face. Vincent Price must be near.
Fessenden: My mom begins Round Two of Four of her Chemo drips today. Here she is trying on a scarf, with a few Prisma filters, as she prepares for her hair to make its rapidly shedding exit. Cruel stuff, #cancer is.
Fessenden: My favorite tree shining before the storm arrives
Fessenden: Happy Hour
Fessenden: Just a beautiful night in the neighborhood
Fessenden: Here everyone, have a bee! I call her Dot.
Fessenden: Caught a hummingbird looking for lunch.
Fessenden: Happy liftoff to your time-shifted Sunday!
Fessenden: A bandit approaches
Fessenden: Birthday Brunch!
Fessenden: Will you Bee my friend?
Fessenden: One more lick outta do it.