Pei78: Powerpuff girl Blossom!
Cyristine: Elfdoll Dami
jesska80: OOAK Mattel My Child Doll
Sakura Dragonhearth: DP Chibi Dolls&Party 2015
pullip_junk: Mami Minifee
abenohiya: 四季II~晴娘
abenohiya: 茜~Meow
abenohiya: 星月夜.C
abenohiya: 星月夜.C
*jadepixel: MDD Yui
ringdoll: Merlin of Ringdoll
funnylori: in to you
~ Eglantine ~: Lavender-Grey Skin Lyséria
Enaibi: Tomoe again ^^
MayYeo: Supia Lana for Keira
Clockwork_Angel: Volks Charlotte
x Ice Wolf x: 1/6 furniture - Kato's Alchemy Laboratory
*jadepixel: Raine - custom hdd-01
Emapyl: Soom Imda Modigli 3.0
AZURE_TB: ice cradle
AZURE_TB: Night plant
AZURE_TB: Shade of river
AZURE_TB: summer wind
AZURE_TB: world end