salliestarr: Spa day for new arrivals.
salliestarr: Best thing received today!!
salliestarr: Elvis Barbie, box date 2010
salliestarr: Mod odds and ends lot.
salliestarr: New perfect little iron for doll clothes!
salliestarr: Saturday Mail Ricky
salliestarr: Tammy? Tressie? why is there a hole in your middle?
salliestarr: Some eye candy arrivals
salliestarr: My daughter's Mulan. Love her and her pals, especially Mushu.
salliestarr: Mulan and Mushu
salliestarr: Some clonage came with the newest "dirty girls." Any Tammy, etc experts please comment/identify.
salliestarr: Welcome to the Barbie House to the new girls
salliestarr: Dancing Stripes
salliestarr: Casey in Lace Pace
salliestarr: Casey in Lace Pace
salliestarr: Some good finds in a box lot.
salliestarr: Roger has arrived!
salliestarr: New Miss Sapphire
salliestarr: New Miss Saphire
salliestarr: Live Action and Living
salliestarr: Live Action and Living Barbie
salliestarr: Later, Dude
salliestarr: Diana got a Motorbike
salliestarr: Omergod. Box hair.
salliestarr: New Fashions
salliestarr: New fashions
salliestarr: Scully New Fashions
salliestarr: New outfits.
salliestarr: Living Skipper