jvcabacus: Groma Kolibri
jvcabacus: Voss Modell 50
jvcabacus: Burroughs Comptometer keyboard
jvcabacus: Brother Activator 850TR
amandasonju: Testing Pearl painted keys
amandasonju: Testing Pearl painted keys
jvcabacus: Trader Joe’s Notebook Cover
ryanmcswain: Before
jvcabacus: Corner
howtotinker: Neo for scale
jvcabacus: Choose Wisely
jvcabacus: Porch Sitting
jvcabacus: End of Year Typing Session, Torpedo 18
jvcabacus: “Running Man,” 6 second exposure on grade 2 RC paper, citric acid / H2O2 reversal process.
jvcabacus: 8x10 Direct Positive Reversal Print, Multigrade paper, 235mm F/4.5 Fuji Xerox lens, 2000w strobes. Citric acid + H2O2 reversal process.
Tyrannosaurus Rose: Alphasmart 3000 with Mechanical Keyboard
jvcabacus: ‘57 Silent-Super & Corn Nuts
jvcabacus: Owl, peroxide/citric acid reversal process, grade 2 RC paper, selenium toned.
jvcabacus: Silent-Super Ephemera 1
jvcabacus: Underwood S
jvcabacus: “Tuesday at the Press Club”
jvcabacus: 1930 Corona 4.
jvcabacus: Vespa at ABQ Press Club
jthornbrugh: G3_Battery_Level
jthornbrugh: MacOS9_Splash_Screen
jthornbrugh: Word_for_Mac
jthornbrugh: About_G3_iBook
jthornbrugh: G3_Handle
Justin_T_Call: Call-FINALS-6