Walter Baliero C.: Colibrí Tirio - Tyrian Metaltail (Metallura tyrianthina smaragdinicollis) Abra Málaga, Cusco, Perú
Walter Baliero C.: Cóndor - Andean Condor (Vultur gryphus) Farellones, Chile
canuckguyinadarkroom: DSC03204- Brown Pelican
WParksphotography: 'Beauty of Livermere'
gioviPa: tra i tetti di Petralia Sottana
WParksphotography: Islands in the SunJPG
Dave_Whiting: Northern Shoveler
Dave_Whiting: Spotted Sandpiper
WParksphotography: Bearded Iris
Dave_Whiting: Yellow Throat
Dave_Whiting: MacGillvary's Warbler
Dave_Whiting: Song Sparrow
WParksphotography: Bearded Iris V1.01
WParksphotography: Prong-billed Barbet
WParksphotography: Silver-throated Tanager
WParksphotography: Violet Saberwing
WParksphotography: Great Egret (American)
WParksphotography: Thick-billed Seed Finch F
WParksphotography: Oh, this is sooo Comfy!
WParksphotography: House Wren
WParksphotography: Yellow-throated Euphonia F
WParksphotography: White-collared Manakin F
WParksphotography: Olive-backed Euphonia M
WParksphotography: Cocoa Woodcreeper
WParksphotography: Total Eclipse of the Sun 2024
WParksphotography: Black-faced Grosbeak
WParksphotography: Blue-grey Tanager
WParksphotography: Red-legged Honeycreeper F
WParksphotography: Grey-headed Chachalaca