Amelie Mersereau: The Voice - Spring Challenge 2023: Ending the day by the canal at Annecy
Amelie Mersereau: The Voice 2022 Autumn Challenge_Hmm Decisions Decisions
Amelie Mersereau: The Voice 2022 Autumn Challenge_A Quiet Moment
Amelie Mersereau: VdC Challenge - Winter Memories
Amelie Mersereau: VdC Challenge - Winter Memories
Amelie Mersereau: VdC The Voice Challenge March_2 of 2_photo by Kris
Amelie Mersereau: VdC The Voice Challenge March_1 of 2
Amelie Mersereau: VdC Spring 2021 - Spring blooms in Alsace
Amelie Mersereau: VdC Spring 2021 - Sunset amongst Poitou's spring blossoms
Amelie Mersereau: Audience participation with the wonderful Debauche dance troupe
Amelie Mersereau: Audience participation with the wonderful Debauche dance troupe
Amelie Mersereau: Audience participation with the wonderful Debauche dance troupe
Amelie Mersereau: Audience participation with the wonderful Debauche dance troupe
Amelie Mersereau: Audience participation with the wonderful Debauche dance troupe
Amelie Mersereau: Audience participation with the wonderful Debauche dance troupe
Amelie Mersereau: Audience participation with the wonderful Debauche dance troupe
Amelie Mersereau: Audience participation with the wonderful Debauche dance troupe
Amelie Mersereau: Audience participation with the wonderful Debauche dance troupe
Amelie Mersereau: Audience participation with the wonderful Debauche dance troupe
Amelie Mersereau: Audience participation with the wonderful Debauche dance troupe
Amelie Mersereau: Audience participation with the wonderful Debauche dance troupe
Amelie Mersereau: Audience participation with the wonderful Debauche dance troupe
Amelie Mersereau: Audience participation with the wonderful Debauche dance troupe
Amelie Mersereau: Audience participation with the wonderful Debauche dance troupe
Amelie Mersereau: Hmm... should I or shouldn't I? lol
Amelie Mersereau: Tons of fun with an impromptu dance after the concert!
Amelie Mersereau: Tons of fun with an impromptu dance after the concert!
Amelie Mersereau: Relaxing before heading out for the evening :)
Amelie Mersereau: Relaxing before heading out for the evening :)
Amelie Mersereau: Sun & Fun & Sandy at the Beach!