Allan Hopkins:
Rainbow Shield Bug (Calidea madagascariensis)
` Toshio ':
Esplanade Theater in Singapore
Mezquita and roman bridge
humming bird
Historical military reenacting
♥ Annieta :
Knekelhuisje - L'ossuaire
Carlos Vieira.:
Guaracava-de-barriga-amarela - Elaenia flavogaster - Yellow-bellied Elaenia.
Mr Mikage (ミスター御影):
Ribblehead Viaduct, North Yorkshire リブルヘッド高架橋、ノースヨークシャー州、イギリス
Adrian Dancy:
9P1A2773a Black Redstart (female) Manchester
Castle - fortress of Aracena
Aircraft F-18 Hornet
Lana Pahl / Country Star Photography/The Best of P:
Thankgiving Wish
Spider, Argiope bruennichi
CEV Championship, November 2011
Daisyboo Ribble (Lusia):
A Soul That's Been Abused
Allan Hopkins:
Giant Coua (Coua gigas), adult
A nile crocodile, Crocodylus niloticus
Gift of Light:
House of God
Parachutist of the PAPEA
Castle - fortress of Aracena
Pickhard Rainer:
Alex Perry Wildlife Photography:
Team Lotus Renault F1, 2012
A.L. RecordShots+:
Evening Grosbeak, Dunback Meadow
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