hankypanky7: IMG_20201201_153458
Tosiga: Unicorn Posed
Will DF: All 3 Town Plans Together
faustchobits: 1257/257
Thietmaier: EicherEKL15.01
hankypanky7: Postcard from 1958 or later, printed in Holland
faustchobits: 1301 Mosaik
hankypanky7: IMG_20191121_124339
Fabian BL: Norwegian Lego 1:87 collection. :)
jeroenvandorst: LEGO 1:87 misprint Mercedes frozen food symbols
faustchobits: Set 800
studhead: Great Central Railway. Ticket office.
hankypanky7: Lego logo's from glued models
Fabian BL: Size comparison...
hankypanky7: red church from the 1957 set 700-0, full ca bricks
hankypanky7: IMG_20190130_110521277_HDR
BF Bricks: Garage update
hankypanky7: 1958 EU counter/shopwindow promo
jeroenvandorst: Finnish setting LEGO 1:87
Istokg: 652 Mercedes Truck/Trailer - Nivea Promotion
Istokg: 257 DANNY Bedford Truck & 258 SPAR VW Van
Istokg: 652 Mercedes Truck/Trailer - Philips Promotion
Istokg: Norway 258 VW Bus All Yellow
jeroenvandorst: Lego printed beams
jeroenvandorst: Lego printed bricks, Dutch
jeroenvandorst: LEGO printed bricks, USA and Canada
jeroenvandorst: LEGO printed bricks, Italian version
jeroenvandorst: LEGO printed bricks, Danish and Swedish version