miss.natjo: Somewhere in my world, Doubs, Franche-Comté, France 🌿
miss.natjo: "The true tomb of the dead is the heart of the living..." -Jean Cocteau- ✨
miss.natjo: "I live in my world because yours scares me..." ✨
miss.natjo: "If you are able to be happy when you are alone, you have learned the secret of happiness" -Osho- ✨
miss.natjo: In my Magic world ✨
miss.natjo: Somewhere in my world, Doubs, Franche-Comté, France 🌿
miss.natjo: "Taking the wrong path sometimes allows us to discover much better ones..." -Unknow- ✨
miss.natjo: Somewhere in my world, Doubs, Franche-Comté, France 🌿
miss.natjo: "It's almost impossible to watch a sunset without dreaming..." -Bernard Williams- ✨
miss.natjo: "Love is like a bird free to go everywhere, the whole sky is its freedom..." -Osho- ✨
miss.natjo: "The adventure is worth it..." -Aristote- ✨
miss.natjo: Never stop exploring the world around you ✨🌿❤️
miss.natjo: I'm back ☺️✨
miss.natjo: "I see life in pink... or blue" ✨
miss.natjo: "Stroll through the little streets..." ✨
miss.natjo: "A little joy in this crazy world..." ❤️
miss.natjo: Color pallet ✨
miss.natjo: "Life is beautiful..."
miss.natjo: "Painting made by Mother Nature..." 🎨❤️
miss.natjo: "I long for one of those winding, uninhabited roads that lead out of towns. A road that leads to the ends of the earth... Where the spirit is free..." -Henry David Thoreau- ✨❤️
miss.natjo: "To be is to be there. To live is to enjoy being there..." -Jean Cocteau- ✨
miss.natjo: Fascinating mantis ❤️
miss.natjo: "Some look at the mud at the bottom of the pond and others contemplate the lotus flower on the surface of the water. It's a choice..." -Dalaï-Lama- ✨
miss.natjo: "Flower heart..." 🌸❤️
miss.natjo: Lapland Nostalgia ❄️❤️
miss.natjo: Nature will always fascinate me ❤️
miss.natjo: "In the heart of the flowers are housed the beauty and the colors of an infinite silence..." 🌸❤️
miss.natjo: At the Orchid Ball... ohé ohé 🌸❤️
miss.natjo: New resident in the garden 🌿❤️
miss.natjo: "Orchids are works of art on their own..." 🌸💚