SVA1969: Monochrome Heights in New York
gerben more: Aegina
Sultan Sultani: Female House Sparrows
beranekp: 2024-09-07 Church in Praha Ďáblice
olivier.muriset: Bonjour Lady de Pury
gerben more: Nafplion
nkguyot: droplets
De Rode Olifant: Happy Mother's Day
Jabi Artaraz: Badator iluntzea
Andrelo2014: Rotschulterente (Callonetta leucophrys) ♂
Seppi49: Sonnenuntergang über der dritten Jurakette Mümliswil/Sunset over the third Jura chain Mümliswil
Jose Rahona: Oporto. Portugal
beranekp: 2024-03-28 North Czech Philharmonic
JH_1982: Train Street, Hanoi, Vietnam
wih00522: DSC_4926
wih00522: DSC_4932
beranekp: 2024-04-04 Castle and Rainbow
wih00522: DSC_4948
Kari Siren: The ice field is shrinking
nkguyot: fly
wizard_of_dof: Mainau, Germany
doph0t0: Smoke of incense stick. Greylag goose Greylag gosling
wizard_of_dof: Mainau, Germany
Sultan Sultani: Female House Finch