Ambiance Tram: Elblag - Tram 033
Ambiance Tram: Alexandrie - Tram 868 - El Dekhelah
Ambiance Tram: Szczecin - Tram 48 - Teofila Firlika (Dubois)
Helmut Henry Hans: Szczecin, Krasińskiego
NebraskaSC: 071818 The Best Supercell of the Summer 040
kjellnilsson1: Neobisium carcinoides
Naxe KSL: IMG_20180213_173048-1
Naxe KSL: DJI_0341
Leonardo Bango: _DSF8017-1_Amanita
Valero-Xixona: I will never walk alone
FloPaco: Stormy Windmill
Christos Doudoulakis: Magical things happen behind the hill
Hegglin Dani: Lightning
Geoffrey'sCreations: Lightnings Over The Rotonda
rockheadz: Thunderstorm Vodice/ Croatia
Regarde là-bas: Orage du 22 juillet 2017
Regarde là-bas: Orage du 2 juillet 2018
Olivier Momon: 09/06/2018
Olivier Momon: 04/08/2015 Badaboummm!
Marc FAVRE - Photographies: Ambiance orageuse sur le Léman
Marc FAVRE - Photographies: Orage sur le Léman
Geoffrey Maillard: The last one - Le coup final - 27/07/2018 - Hannut (Belgium)
Danijel Jovanovic Photography: Innsbruck Lightning