SheilaMink: thinking of SKISS
SheilaMink: one dry sunflower said to another
SheilaMink: sunlight was playing on an indoor palm tree
SheilaMink: and the score is... one up one down
SheilaMink: duck duck
SheilaMink: Pink Lady leaves
SheilaMink: posting
SheilaMink: focus
SheilaMink: escape, it is time to escape
SheilaMink: from cabbage to cars
SheilaMink: a bird said
SheilaMink: if ever there was a reason
SheilaMink: 10:22 AM
SheilaMink: one Ficus leaf
SheilaMink: seeing sunrise
SheilaMink: a Wandering Jew was wondering...
SheilaMink: before sunrise
SheilaMink: the morning sun was visiting front door frost
SheilaMink: 7:11 AM
SheilaMink: the light and dark of it
SheilaMink: on any given day
SheilaMink: new kid on the stem
Phil Ostroff: A Study of Lightning
im2fast4u2c: Woodlands river walk at night
im2fast4u2c: Woodlands river walk at night
im2fast4u2c: Deuteronomy 33:27 New Living Translation
im2fast4u2c: apple snails laying eggs
GoodLifeErik: A Faint Aurora Borealis
jackez2010: Pinson des arbres_A915292_DxO
jackez2010: Mésange charbonnière_A914160_DxO