Foto_Wildlife: Proud mum 'Esra' with one of her two Leopard Cubs - Colchester Zoo.
Foto_Wildlife: The look ! Spotted Hyena - Colchester Zoo.
Foto_Wildlife: Young Mandrill - Colchester Zoo.
Foto_Wildlife: Ostrich breath ! - Colchester Zoo.
Foto_Wildlife: Eurasian Grey Wolf ' Torvi ' - Colchester Zoo.
Foto_Wildlife: Maneless Zebra 'Anna' - Colchester Zoo.
Foto_Wildlife: Young Philippine Spotted Deer - Colchester Zoo.
Foto_Wildlife: Spotted Hyena - Colchester Zoo.
Foto_Wildlife: Eurasian Grey Wolf ' Torvi '- Colchester Zoo.
Foto_Wildlife: Spotted Hyena - Colchester Zoo.
Foto_Wildlife: King Vulture - Colchester Zoo.
Foto_Wildlife: Cheetah 'Anika' - just watching - Colchester Zoo.
Foto_Wildlife: Walk the walk ! - Spotted Hyena - Colchester Zoo.
Foto_Wildlife: Young Philippine Spotted Deer, flaring it's cheek scent glands on a very cold morning.
Foto_Wildlife: Explore liitle one ! Leopard Cub - Colchester Zoo.
Foto_Wildlife: The race for food - Amur Tigress 'Tatana' - Colchester Zoo
Foto_Wildlife: Geleda Baboons - Colchester Zoo.
Foto_Wildlife: Leopard Cub exploring - Colchester Zoo.
Foto_Wildlife: Cheetah 'Anika' has seen something - Colchester Zoo.
Foto_Wildlife: The race for food - Amur Tigress 'Tatana' - Colchester Zoo
Foto_Wildlife: The Amur Leopard Cubs are now exploring - Colchester zoo.
Foto_Wildlife: Amur Leopard 'Esra' - Colchester Zoo
Foto_Wildlife: Amur Tigress 'Taiga' Colchester Zoo
Foto_Wildlife: Reticulated Giraffe - 'Isha' - Colchester Zoo.
Foto_Wildlife: Eurasian Grey Wolf - Colchester Zoo.
Foto_Wildlife: Amur Leopard 'Esra' - Colchester Zoo.
Foto_Wildlife: King Vulture - Colchester Zoo.
Foto_Wildlife: Look into my eyes ! Amur Tigress 'Taiga' - Colchester Zoo.
Foto_Wildlife: Mother love ! Geleda Baboon -Colchester Zoo
Foto_Wildlife: One of the new Amur Leopard Cubs at Colchester Zoo.