Sugarberry <3: Hollywood is the time the stars are shining....
Sugarberry <3: Proud To be Emaraty
Sugarberry <3: I Believe I Can Flyyyy
Sugarberry <3: Half Flower
Sugarberry <3: ŠΜŎКǐnĢ
Sugarberry <3: You see things and you say, "Why?" But I dream things that never were and I say, "Why not?"
Sugarberry <3: MoNkeeeeeeeeeeeY =Pp
Sugarberry <3: ÇöĻõřš õƒ Ľõvę
Sugarberry <3: Ŵĥěń Ľŏvě іş ŅŏΤ ΜǎDńėšś ïŤŝ ńőT Ľôvè
Sugarberry <3: 3a golat my sis...
Sugarberry <3: My Freaky eye
Sugarberry <3: Hehe..=)
Sugarberry <3: Never be afraid to show who u really are...
Sugarberry <3: OLD IS GOLD
Sugarberry <3: I'm scared to fall in love, scared to fall fast, because every time I fall in love... it never seems to last.