Ocset: IMG_4372
Ocset: Bolton Abbey and Priory
Ocset: Bluebells at Kew Gardens
Ocset: Kew Gardens, the great pagoda
Ocset: Amber is sombre.
Ocset: Wisley Gardens
Ocset: Two's Company
Ocset: Davidia involucrata
Ocset: Chester Race Course
Ocset: Southport Merseyside
Ocset: Studley Water Garden at Fountains Abbey
Ocset: River Ouse at York
Ocset: Bolton Abbey and Priory by the River Wharfe
Ocset: Chester Roman archaeological site
Ocset: Dappled shade
Ocset: Quad bikers in the Goyt Valley
Ocset: Errwood Reservoir in the Goyt Valley
Ocset: "Far End" at Bodnant Gardens
Ocset: Barden Bridge
Ocset: Two men and their dogs.
Ocset: An illegal immigrant arrives safely!
Ocset: Another illegal immigrant makes a safe landing! One small step for man, one giant leap for mankind!