koen_jacobs: Mono soldier
堡狼: IMG_9257
* Pretty Daisy *: 傳說中的阿勇伯?!
* Pretty Daisy *: 今晚吃大餐!
CulbyTX: "It's 5 o'clock somewhere" said the hummingbird
CulbyTX: Itsy bitsy spider friend
Masatada Ho: S彎道 山城 夜太美
Masatada Ho: 苑裡海邊
Wlfrank1: Kaiju?
andredekesel: Rainbow shield bug
* Pretty Daisy *: Power Station of Art
tokyogasmask: Channa Bleheri - "Rainbow Snakehead"
Terathopius: Giant Spiny Chameleon, Bekitoly, Madagascar
kitty18267: Rango
WabbyTwaxx: Bearded Dragon Hatch-ling
Gus McNab: Eastern Bearded Dragon (Pogona barbarata)
John Horstman (itchydogimages, SINOBUG): Longhorn Borer (Aristobia approximator, Lamiinae, Cerambycidae)
Jim Burns.: Dragon's Den
imagineifyoucouldjustfly: 'Bandit' the Bearded Dragon 1
Christine's Backyard: Spotted from the kitchen window ...
jurvetson: Very Horny - in the wild in Costa Rica
Mr. Vanshy: Maggie, come!
runningsman: IMG_1590
runningsman: Curious Little Fella
* Pretty Daisy *: 偶口連低鼻租
* Pretty Daisy *: AND I LOVE YOU