ashdownimages: Osprey catching Breakfast
ashdownimages: Phoebe in the Marsh
ashdownimages: Blue Heron Fishing
ashdownimages: Beautiful young retriever enjoying the fresh snow
ashdownimages: My Rottweiler Dallas
ashdownimages: Portrait of a Husky
ashdownimages: Doberman Pinscher
ashdownimages: Brief burst of energy from a Bassett Hound
ashdownimages: Golden Doodle jumping for handfuls of snow
ashdownimages: Pomeranian in the Snow
ashdownimages: Dressed for the weather
ashdownimages: Malamute
ashdownimages: Black & Tan Coon Hound
ashdownimages: Young Vizslia
ashdownimages: Bernidoodle II
ashdownimages: Bernice/St Bernard mix
ashdownimages: A German Shepherd involved in a game of "Keep Away" at the Oshawa Dog Park - OMD EM1 II - Pany/Leica 100-400
ashdownimages: German Shepherd
ashdownimages: Weimaraner
ashdownimages: German Shorthaired Pointer at the Oshawa Dog Park
ashdownimages: Springer Spaniel
ashdownimages: Australian Shepherd
ashdownimages: “In order to really enjoy a dog, one doesn’t merely try to train him to be semi human. The point of it is to open oneself to the possibility of becoming partly a dog.” – Edward Hoagland
ashdownimages: Corgi on the run in the Oshawa Dog Park
ashdownimages: A curious Bassett Hound at the Oshawa Dog Park
ashdownimages: A little Frenchie enjoying the fresh snow
ashdownimages: Rhodesian ridgeback at the dog park
ashdownimages: Wrestling with a big stick at the Dog Park