It's all about the light...:
Kormoran im Flug / Cormorant in flight
It's all about the light...:
Kormoran im Prachtkleid / Cormorant in full colouration / in explore 20230119
It's all about the light...:
Kormoran / Cormorant
It's all about the light...:
Fisch zum Frühstück / Fish for breakfast
It's all about the light...:
Fisch zum Frühstück II / Fish for breakfast II
It's all about the light...:
Alle Mann an Bord! / All aboard! / in explore 20240311
It's all about the light...:
Wat mutt, dat mutt / call of nature
It's all about the light...:
Probiers mal mit Gemütlichkeit / Look for the bare necessities / in explore 20240515
It's all about the light...:
Kormoran im Flug II / Cormorant in flight II
It's all about the light...:
Guck mal, ohne Arme! / Look Ma, no hands!
It's all about the light...:
Balance halten! / Keep your balance!