It's all about the light...:
Blaumeise / Blue Tit
It's all about the light...:
Kohlmeise / Great tit
It's all about the light...:
Blaumeise / Blue Tit
It's all about the light...:
Kohlmeise / Great Tit
It's all about the light...:
Rotkehlchen / European Robin
It's all about the light...:
Mandarinen Enten Erpel / Mandarin Duck Drake
It's all about the light...:
Mittelspecht / Middle Spotted Woodpecker
It's all about the light...:
Mandarinen Ente / Mandarin Duck
It's all about the light...:
Mandarinen Ente / Mandarin Duck
It's all about the light...:
Mandarinen Ente / Mandarin Duck / [Explore 20210412]
It's all about the light...:
Girlitz / Serin
It's all about the light...:
Mittelspecht / Middle Spotted Woodpecker
It's all about the light...:
Mandarinen Ente / Mandarin Duck
It's all about the light...:
Kohlmeise / Great Tit
It's all about the light...:
Girlitz / Serin
It's all about the light...:
Grünspecht (♂) / Green Woodpecker (♂)
It's all about the light...:
Girlitz / Serin / in Explore 20210528
It's all about the light...:
Junger Gartenrotschwanz / young Common Redstart
It's all about the light...:
Hungriger Spatz I / hungry sparrow I
It's all about the light...:
Star im Prachtkleid / Starling in full colouration
It's all about the light...:
Stieglitz (♀) / European Goldfinch (♀)
It's all about the light...:
Hungriger Spatz II / Hungry Sparrow II
It's all about the light...:
Diestelfink (♂) / European Goldfinch (♂)
It's all about the light...:
Junge Blaumeise / young Blue Tit
It's all about the light...:
Girlitz / Serin
It's all about the light...:
Grünfink / Green Finch
It's all about the light...:
Junge Kohlmeise im Apfelbaum / young Great Tit in an apple tree
It's all about the light...:
Kohlmeise im Johannisbeerstrauch / Great Tit in blackcurrent bush
It's all about the light...:
Stieglitz in der Fichte / Goldfinch in the spruce
It's all about the light...:
Girlitz / Serin