cillacantrell: LOAD219Day28
cillacantrell: LOAD219Day27
cillacantrell: LOAD219Day26
cillacantrell: LOAD219Day25 Friendship is the gift
cillacantrell: LOAD219Day24 Off prompt, I'm sure, and getting it in under the wire. 😉 Done is done, though.
cillacantrell: LOAD219Day23 They melt me. As I was posting I noticed my second "N" is upside down. Now that's all I can see. lol
cillacantrell: LOAD219Day22 Her words still ring true.
cillacantrell: LOAD219Day21 Large and small embellishments
cillacantrell: LOAD219Day20 I don't love this LO, but it's another day in the books. I'm happy about that.
cillacantrell: LOAD219Day19 If I could put a message in the sky, I'd simply say, "Don't Give Up".
cillacantrell: LOAD219Day18
cillacantrell: LOAD219Day17 We're like pro level nappers.
cillacantrell: Golden Gate Bridge
cillacantrell: Rainy days in San Francisco
cillacantrell: Rainy days in San Francisco
cillacantrell: LOAD219Day16 Not even a crystal ball can help predict these things.
cillacantrell: LOAD219Day15 There's no place like home...
cillacantrell: LOAD219Day14 If only...
cillacantrell: LOAD219Day13 A totality enjoyable weekend
cillacantrell: My brother dancing with his daughter, Ashley, at her wedding.
cillacantrell: LOAD219Day12 For the one I love to infinity and back.
cillacantrell: LOAD219Day11 The design is all scraps which is my take on rustic. Now to explain the title...I thoroughly enjoyed following the recipe for yeast bread. We felt certain we'd done everything right. It smelled heavenly. It was the most dense, horrible bread
cillacantrell: LOAD219Day10 This prompt immediately made me think of our hike in Donner Pass. Our entire week in Reno/Lake Tahoe was epic.
cillacantrell: From my niece's wedding last weekend.
cillacantrell: From my niece's wedding last weekend.
cillacantrell: From my niece's wedding last weekend.
cillacantrell: From my niece's wedding last weekend.
cillacantrell: From my niece's wedding last weekend.
cillacantrell: From my niece's wedding last weekend.
cillacantrell: From my niece's wedding last weekend.