larabarron: Hiking around Holyrood...
larabarron: upload
larabarron: Just need to stop by the cheesemonger's on my way home...
larabarron: Good morning, Edinburgh!
larabarron: Hello, summer. I've missed you, too.
larabarron: Just another beautiful Spring morning in Fort Collins!
larabarron: Headed up to Lyons to hear some bluegrass!
larabarron: April showers in Fort Collins...
larabarron: Knoedel is worried that the snow will never end.
larabarron: Nothing like a nice foot or two of snow in mid April.
larabarron: Turns out vet school open house is full of cute baby animals.
larabarron: Nate, prying raw broccoli out of Abe's mouth that he had stolen from the sink.
larabarron: It's official... I love Fort Collins!
larabarron: Morning in Ann Arbor with Nikki & Jon!
larabarron: Getting comfy in MI...
larabarron: Not sure if Knoedel is more upset about how cold it is, or how my studying for finals is cutting into her amount of cuddling.
larabarron: Went down to Boulder and found truffle shavers for only $47. How on earth have we survived without a truffle shaver?! We're practically living as barbarians.
larabarron: What can I say... The boy loves gems.
larabarron: Using my day off to find out what Nate really does when I'm at school all day.
larabarron: Oh, and winter has apparently also come to Abe's belly. Thanks, buddy.
larabarron: And it's winter in the Rockies...
larabarron: Knoedel and I have the same feelings about going to school today.
larabarron: Physiology: halfway done!
larabarron: Oh, you thought you were going to study tonight? Well how about I chew through your computer cord and then we'll see who's "too busy" for cuddling.
larabarron: Snowing outside means cuddles inside.
larabarron: There is nothing like a sleeping cat to help you feel better when you're sick.
larabarron: Turns out Abe feels the same way about the ANS as he does about the canine hindlimb, but at least he can sleep without me palpating for bony landmarks.
larabarron: Abraham Lincoln confirms that studying anatomy is no fun.
larabarron: Celebrating a first succesful week of vet school! :)
larabarron: Animated Stefan