wahid Aüfi: Honor to Indian Bharatian, B'haratian Origamist
wahid Aüfi: Humble Hommage à Ethan Arnold Winning
wahid Aüfi: A Buthus genus sp. in Buthidæ family scorpions?
wahid Aüfi: A Buthus genus sp. scorpion?
wahid Aüfi: A Buthus genus sp. scorpion?
wahid Aüfi: Septentrional Northern African Argiope Lobata Spider
wahid Aüfi: Un Fourmi-lion et les nids ou pièges de ses larves
wahid Aüfi: Criquet nymphe
wahid Aüfi: Cet être n'est pas une mante Religieuse ou « Ceci n'est pas une pipe »
wahid Aüfi: A Septentrional Northern African (Truxalis) acridian
wahid Aüfi: A "domestic" African lizard; or gecko
wahid Aüfi: Lézards sylvestres d'Afrique du Nord Septentrionale
wahid Aüfi: Finished testing Bodo Haag's Giraffe Fold
wahid Aüfi: Bodo Haag's Giraffe fold (a testfold)
wahid Aüfi: Foldings in clean and Test-folds
wahid Aüfi: Foldings in clean and Test-folds
wahid Aüfi: Adult female Iris mantis
wahid Aüfi: Two adult males Iris mantises
wahid Aüfi: North African Iris Mantises
wahid Aüfi: Old folds
wahid Aüfi: Cactus blossoms
wahid Aüfi: Northern African female Phyllognathus excavatum rhino beetle
wahid Aüfi: Adult Female Sympetrum Sinaïticum
wahid Aüfi: Unfocused Adult female Symptentrum sinaiticum
wahid Aüfi: Sympetrum Sinaiticum, mâle
wahid Aüfi: Another Northern African Swallowtailed Butterfly
wahid Aüfi: A Northern African Swallowtailed Butterfly
wahid Aüfi: A quite large and strong dragonfly
wahid Aüfi: Brouillons
wahid Aüfi: Brouillons