ctgordon7: 20200906Lotus_5985
Norbert Lefevre: Martin pêcheur d'Europe " femelle " ( Alcedo atthis - Common Kingfisher )
Joe Lourenḉo: The Lighthouse that could
smaustin56: Bandon beach
jrockar: cyclist
Jawdoc: corralling cranberries
cygossphotography: The wind mill of Collioure
Jono Dashper Wildlife: Fork-tailed Flycatcher - Tyrannus savana
Jono Dashper Wildlife: Fork-tailed Flycatcher - Tyrannus savana
chika-oka: 曼珠沙華-7 Lycoris radiata 秋立ちぬ💚 ThaeApproach of Autumn-64
chika-oka: 揚羽蝶と曼珠沙華-3 Papilio nidae& Lycoris radiata秋たちぬ💚 The Approach of Autumn-63
Jennifer 真泥佛 * Taiwan (Busy): 中華民國109年國慶總統府建築光雕展演 /「自信島嶼 迎向曙光」
Paul Russell99: IMG_6899 1200px
hellomumu / Taiwan: 琥珀鼠婦 Cubaris sp. "Amber"
hellomumu / Taiwan: 琥珀鼠婦 Cubaris sp. "Amber"
PatNik01: Chamois-Rupicapra rupicapra
下心.滿缽: IMG_20191219_103745
下心.滿缽: IMG_20191219_103756
moni-mago: even more frames
leo.roos: 21st century View of Delft
吳政彦: 2020/10/10/SA
Carl's Captures: Crossed in Space
Photo Alan: Street feeling
Christian Tell: phare de gatteville
99tremblayh@gmail.com: Bruant à couronne blanche (juvénile)
Malcolm Bull: Cloud - Shoreham Beach (23)
Wackelaugen: Mist ascended from the valley
Ken Krach Photography: Water & Life at the Rim