Taiwan Presidential Office: 08.03 總統接見美國聯邦眾議院議長裴洛西訪團一行
Henk oochappan: Drinking water well • Kayampatti
Hornplayer: The new Dutch Government
Hubert Burda Media: DLD Munich 20
Hubert Burda Media: DLD Munich 20
Hubert Burda Media: DLD Munich 20
Taiwan Presidential Office: 05.10 總統在「哥本哈根民主高峰會」發表演說
ALDEParty: ALDE Party Congress in Amsterdam, 1-3 December 2017
ALDEParty: ALDE Party Council in Sofia, 27-28.04.2018
Taiwan Presidential Office: 04.01 總統出席「EMU900型空調通勤電聯車」首航典禮
Kristoffer Trolle: Women wearing face masks in Copenhagen
UN Watch: 2017 Geneva Summit
Taiwan Presidential Office: 02.10 總統農曆春節談話
Studio Incendo: 20190909-P1077559
Taiwan Presidential Office: 06.15 總統出席「109年警察節慶祝大會」
Taiwan Presidential Office: 06.15 總統出席「109年警察節慶祝大會」
Studio Incendo: DSCF5666
Studio Incendo: DSCF5671
Studio Incendo: IMG_0117
Studio Incendo: P1180171
Studio Incendo: P1180190
Studio Incendo: IMG_9627
European Parliament: South African President Cyril Ramaphosa addresses the Parliament
European Parliament: South African President Cyril Ramaphosa addresses the Parliament
Christine's Phillips (Christine Phillips Photos) -: All of Yzerfontein! West Coast of South Africa. Christine Phillips
Christine's Phillips (Christine Phillips Photos) -: Yzerfontein, All of it!!! South Africa, West Coast, Christine Phillips
ALDEParty: Electoral Meeting & Campaign Kick-off - Brussels 21.03.2019
Kristoffer Trolle: 8-Tallet, Ørestaden, Copenhagen
Kristoffer Trolle: The Wave, light installation at Ofelia Plads, Copenhagen (København, Danmark)
Kristoffer Trolle: Copenhagen Lakes, Denmark / København Søerne, Danmark / Copenhagen Skyline Cityscape - Shot with Fotodiox Rhinocam + Mamiya 80mm f2.8 lens, super high resolution