Rui.Roda: Floral Perpetua (Back light) - Dasa Severova
Long Nguyen Photophile: Amidst the sun-drenched communal courtyard, a stunning girl adorned in a brown traditional Vietnamese four-part dress strikes a pose with a classic flat palm hat.
pierreyvesgallard: Simple bunnies
benoitdorel: PEYE AND THE MASK
Rui.Roda: Pavo Real - Juan Gimeno
Andrea Borsa: Archana Flower by Dasa Severova
Sunny Marmalade: Bunny (aka Zai) Designed and folded by me (Kunsulu Jilkishiyeva/2016)Can you imagine how difficult it is to look at his eyes and not overfeed him? :)
Michał Kosmulski: Chrysanthemum (CFW 142)
ronatka: Roses kusudama
Riccardo Foschi: Gnoma and Gnomo (Mrs. & Mr. Gnomes) - Riccardo Foschi
sukesan0923: Tiger 2022
sukesan0923: Tiger 2022
sukesan0923: Tiger 2022
Francesco Guarnieri: Stella Lucia - Star Lucy
Francesco Guarnieri: Stella Lucia - Star Lucy
Adri 79: Un tocco di colore
Adri 79: Delicatamente
Aarón Ramírez Bermúdez: Blakiston's Fish owl
Adri 79: Plumpy Dragon ( origami )
100dodo: 20210519_233441
100dodo: 20210519_233513
goodtreeori: Modular Flower
Origami Fan @Daniel: Archelon Skeleton Eiichiro Mase_副本
Origami Fan @Daniel: Diagryma Gigantea(Gastornis)Skeleton Mase Eiichiro (2)
Aarón Ramírez Bermúdez: Giraffe Design: Shuki Kato Fold: Aarón Ramírez Paper: 50x50 cm agua papel This is the 4th time I fold this model but the first that an happy with result, and I have to say thank you to my friend @gonzalorigami who inspired me with his interpretation a
mark origami (2): White Dove
pierreyvesgallard: Biatrix the Wicked