annkelliott: In memory of my daughter
annkelliott: Ready for Christmas, Spruce It Up Garden Centre
Jaedde & Sis: Blåvand lighthouse
koen_jacobs: Crossings
storeknut: A land for Malamutes
Jaedde & Sis: Søby beach
outdoorstudio: Blåvand 1
annkelliott: Western Kingbird / Tyrannus verticalis
Jaedde & Sis: Path on Hirsholm
annkelliott: Proof of a baited owl! 2012
annkelliott: Short-eared Owl / Asio flammeus, from Alberta Birds of Prey Centre, 2013
annkelliott: Short-eared Owl / Asio flammeus, 2016
annkelliott: Burrowing Owl / Athene cunicularia, Calgary Zoo, 2008
annkelliott: Little alien at Lake Louise
annkelliott: Taveta Golden Weaver / Ploceus castaneiceps
Jaedde & Sis: Ceiling
annkelliott: A beautiful road to drive, Sheep River PP, Kananaskis
annkelliott: A favourite location - just as the snow arrives
Musgrove and the Pumi: It Begins to Rain
Musgrove and the Pumi: Between a Rock and a High Place
annkelliott: Venus Flytrap / Dionaea muscipula
storeknut: A bright summers day
storeknut: My mother and me
marianne kjølner: the day started with new snow and sunshine...a wonderful way to start my morning walk in th forest...the temperature was -19° Celsius,and luckily no wind. The little house is a feeding place for the deer.
annkelliott: Warm colour before tomorrow's snow