Julysha: September in Schermer
ale38861847: IMG_5830
Lacerta Bilineata: Little Poser
diana_robinson: Subway entrance to Penn Station at 33rd Street and Seventh Avenue in Manhattan
diana_robinson: Sunset over Lower Manhattan and the Brooklyn Bridge as seen from the Manhattan Bridge.
ale38861847: IMG_0334
diana_robinson: Framed view of 262 Fifth Avenue which is being built in front of the Empire State Building
Julysha: Maybug
Julysha: Bug_crop
diana_robinson: Shadows of camel caravan in the sand dunes of the Sahara Desert in Morocco
ale38861847: IMG_8422
Theo Rouers: Bee Eater | Guêpier | Bienenfresser | Bijeneter | Merops Apiaster
andrew medlines: IMG_0265
Julysha: Fox (crop)
Theo Rouers: 20240518_193935_P1010126-Verbeterd-NR
Theo Rouers: 20240518_193942_P1010169-Verbeterd-NR
Theo Rouers: 20240518_193942_P1010170-Verbeterd-NR
Theo Rouers: 20240518_151508_PG927538
Theo Rouers: 20240518_194102_P1010213-Verbeterd-NR
ale38861847: Золотистая щурка..
Alebre.krd: Кряква
andrew medlines: ANDR5161
andrew medlines: ANDR5200
andrew medlines: ANDR5205
andrew medlines: ANDR5218
6741026: DSC04914_cr
beagle17: DSC07309