Robert Stienstra Photography: [E X P L O R E] Nemo Amsterdam
Robert Stienstra Photography: Eye - movie museum
Nata_lia_2022: Storm is coming...
Sultan Sultani: Golden-crowned Sparrow
Sultan Sultani: Squirrel
Sultan Sultani: Golden-crowned Sparrow Open Wings
Sultan Sultani: Female Ruby-crowned Kinglet
Sultan Sultani: Male Cooper’s Hawk
Lacerta Bilineata: "Little Poser"
Lacerta Bilineata: The Tale Of The Jay (read story)
Lacerta Bilineata: Peace... (for the story behind the photo and the color version, see info text)
Vladimir Vulf: DSC05499
Vladimir Vulf: DSC05597
Vladimir Vulf: DSC05573
ale38861847: IMG_0594
ale38861847: IMG_0607
ale38861847: IMG_0453
diana_robinson: St. Paul's Cathedral at night from the MIllenium Bridge.
ale38861847: IMG_0470 А
ale38861847: IMG_9662
Julysha: Luxembourg
Robert Stienstra Photography: Puddles in the street
Robert Stienstra Photography: [E X P L O R E} Wereld museum
vladimir*che: CHE04529
diana_robinson: Light rays from the sunset shine down on the South Rim of the Grand Canyon and the Colorado River in Arizona
mlbeirnaert: Romeo at his best :) / Romeo sous son meilleur jour :)